Monday 23 June 2014

GlaStoNbUry MakEup TimE

Trying to keep yourself looking as non zombie after spending afew days in a field, drinking far too much and not washing is difficult, you can easily end up looking like an extra from Dawn of the Dead.
Not the best look

Partying starts to take a toll on your complexion, hair and sanity.
When going to a festival you don't want to pack too much as you have to carry it across a field, so I've thought of the essential makeup I will need.
Firstly I will apply  a SPF enriched moisturiser ( as seen in my previous blog). I will be covering the dark circles with the amazing Mac Studio Finish, SPF 35 concealor in NW15. To bring some colour back to your face blush is your friend, my tip is to use a cream based one ( no need for tools- just fingers), Bourjours mini pot creme blush shade no2 is a lovely peachy flush or Daniel Sanders Watercolour blush in acid which is an amazing bright pink, both blend into the skin beautifully  and you can build up the colour.
On my eyes I'm going to use Mac paint pot in Paintly as a base which is a lovely pale colour, when hungover (as I will be) the last thing I want to do is mess around with brushes (also its less to pack) this is easily applied with fingers.
At festivals I think the more glitter the better, you can go big,bright and bold or keep it light and sparkly.
 I am taking a gorgeous eye shadow by Nars Baby Peach which is a bronze/copper/gold colour and a Mac pigment pot in Blonde's Gold which is an amazing bronze/gold.

By the evening I will probably use eyeliner for a cat flick, just to make my look more party. I've also bought a purple mascara by Miss Sporty (only £2.99! ), coloured mascaras are big at the moment and a really fun alternative to usual black lashes. Brows as usual, then finish with either Vaseline or a really bold lip colour, I'm thinking a deep purple.
My makeup kit

 To be honest I think all rules are out of the window at a festival, its time to experiment and have fun!
What I'm wearing is tomorrows main rule will be don't over pack...we shall see.

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