Thursday 3 July 2014

holiday TiMes Are a GoNe

Hai everyone sorry I haven't written a blog in a few weeks, I've been away on me  holidays.

Firstly we went to Bruges/Belgium for bber and bike riding, then me and the boy went to Glastonbury for beer and bands. So basically I've been drinking far too much fruit beer and cider and eating a lot of cake and burgers, my poor skin :(.
Its been lovely but kinda glad to be back home, also I have been missing Professor Periwinkle, the large furry beasty.
I was actually feeling so unfit that I have rejoined the gym! I had a little bit of gentle persuasion from my lovely friend Sherrie who is coming with me, I have no motivation if I'm not with anyone else so she will make me go for longer than 10 minutes. We went last night and it wasn't too bad, I was promised a gin at the end of the session which helped power me throug ( shock horror). While on the running machine I  began to wonder what people would think if I  were to bring one of those e-cigs with me? Would this be a gym faux pas ?? You can smoke them in most places these days. Another thing I can never understand is people in full makeup in the gym, if like me your face gets very red and beetroot like makeup will not be your friend but the exact opposite you will encourage the spots.
Sweat x Makeup = breakout city. Maybe this is why I don't venture to the gym very often.
Apologises for not doing my third installment about festival wear, I just ran out time needless to say if you saw the weather last weekend my wardrobe consisted of wellies, poncho, leather jacket and either a vest or tshirt. It was muddy, rainy ( some electrical storms) and extremely sunny, classic Glastonbury.
One of my highlights was seeing M.I.A (little preview below)

In other news I've been using some new Lush treats that came out a few weeks ago African Paradise and Million Dollar Moisturiser. I will begin with the product I was most excited about using, Million Dollar Moisturiser and it is my new fav.
 You all know I like a face cream to have SPF - its my main requirement. I could never use British Nanny SPF 30 from Lush as it was far too rich for my skin and made me breakout but this is perfect and SPF 30! It soaks in quickly and doesn't leave a greasy feel, my skin feels matt yet hydrated. Its full of honey and Shea butter to soften your skin but has lavender and rosewood oil which will balance and tone your skin and it smells amazing because of the tonka absolute in it. I'm so glad they cracked making a sunscreen that is fantastic for combination skin, its a little pricey but as with all Lush products its worth it as you know no animals have been harmed.
The second is African Paradise which is one of Lushs body conditioners or as I call it "lasy person moisturiser". You smooth the fabulous smelling lotion all over your body after washing and then rinse it off, you are left super soft, I'm incredibly lasy and this is the solution for my dry skin. Perfect especially as summer is here, use it after shaving your legs and they stay soft all day. It's full of almond oil, aloe gel, Shea butter and moringa oil which is an amazing African plant  full of vitamins and protein. One of the fantastic things about this product is the moringa oil sourced is supported by the SLush fund, which means the money Lush pays for the product goes back into local based projects around the area and in this case it helps a women's refuge in Ghana. The women  who live here are feed and know they are safe it also has a project that involves the women who wish to work getting involved with growing Aloe Vera plants ( which Lush also buys). So its great that instead of just giving people who need help cash they are giving them the opportunity to make a sustainable living and regain their independence back..
I really like the idea that as well as having the most glowing, softest skin you also get a sense of well being with your purchase, a nice added bonus I think :) ...till next time, laters x 

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