Tuesday 22 July 2014

Not JusT for NannAs

       Crafting times!
 I've recently been getting back into doing more arts based fun so thought I'd share with you guys on todays blog.
Some of you may know that my main job is as a screen printer, this means I get covered in ink most days, so when at home I tend to pick crafty based projects that don't get me too messy.
Don't get me wrong I like a bit of mess but I also enjoy doing my art in front of the television now and again, this is why im choosing to share my love of knitting with you.
Im not a very good knitter, I try but im easily confused by the patterns and so far in my repertoire is afew chunky scarves, a very loose hat(not worked out tension yet) and a baby blanket.
Two of my close friends are pregnant and I've chosen to make their tiny humans small knitted booties to wear on their teeny feets(both are going to be winter babies).
I spent ages trying to learn how to knit, my mum tried to show me years ago but it never sunk in not till I was given the best beginners book - Knitty Gritty.

I cannot recommended this book enough if you are just starting to knit or just can't get your head around knitting and purling (technical terms don't cha know). This book makes knitting possible to understand, I can actually make things!
I've nearly finished my first pair of booties and  I will be starting the second ones very soon and then maybe I will begin on some mittens. I will post some pics once the girls have seen them.
Also I've discovered a really cool site called Wool and the Gang (woolandthegang.com) they make knitting fun, they have a wide selection of patterns and different blogs definitely worth checking out.

Its not only wool I have been playing with but paper crafts, my wedding is in less than 8 weeks! ( starting to get a little stressed) and we are making the decorations for the village hall. We have decided to make paper hearts from maps/ vintage and coloured card, to then make garlands and the chairs prettier.
Hopefully we are starting  construction of these this week
  (photos will follow).
Let me know what arts based fun you have been up to recently or if there is something you would like to try.
Laters ...

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