Wednesday 22 October 2014

hOw MuCh diD yOu sAy!

This week I have discovered through reading one of the weekly trash mags that Poundland has launched themselves into the world of makeup by releasing their own makeup range. From blusher, eyeliner, eyeshadow and nail varnishes.
Now the reviews aren't that glowing for most the products, they were as expected - not very good, hardly any colour pay off, basically irrediscent tones. That is all apart from the nail varnishes all 39 of them yes 39 different shades! Now personally I dont see the point I  paying any more than £5 (£7 at a push) for a bottle of nail polish especially in my line of work ( as a screenprinter Im constantly in contact with white spirit). My nails are never perfect they are chipped, as any of my friends will vouch for me my nails stay nice for about 30mins before I scuff them.
chipped in all their glory
Jess nail polish
Dragonfly is very sparkly with flecks of green and blue,  not that fantastic on its own but ontop of a green colour( I used a shade by Salome- a french brand ) Its a pretty effect.
Calypso is a midblue shade with good coverage( 3 coats was plenty) it does contain a bit of shimmer aswel but not too much.

The brush is of good size and makes application easy, I found 2 swipes covered my nail. For a pound I think they are definitely worth a try, im going to go back a purchase a couple of their various red and pink shades as Im forever on the search for the perfect red. So if you find yourself near a PoundLand store with a spare few quid I would recommend purchasing one of these polishes, for only a pound you arent losing anything if you dont like them. Let me know what you think...Laters xoxo 

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