Tuesday 28 October 2014

sCaRe me into the 1960s

As its Halloween on Friday, two of my close friends and I went to scare ourselves at the cinema. We went and watched Annabelle, which is the prequel to 2012 The Conjuring.
It takes a lot to scare me, I tend to find the Japanese horror films are scarier but this film was pretty good, I did jump in a few places so it did its job. The film centres around a very creepy posessed doll, firstly  I will never understand those people who collect porcelain dolls ( if you see the film you will see what I mean), ugh all those tiny eyes following you around a room - no thanks. So anyway horrible occurrences happen and a soul is needed for the said demon but one of my favourite things about the movie is the fashion, mainly the lead character. Its set in the late 1960s, baby doll dresses, cute Capri pants, peter pan collars all in muted pastel colours. I need all the dresses the main actress wears throughout the film.
Lead actress -Annabelle Wallis as Mia
I've realised over the last few years these dresses suit my frame best, even though I'm rather tall, I possess some hips. I'm a classic pear shape and any dress that clings to my small boobies and skims my hips is the most flattering shape also I'm kinda obsessed with collars on items aswel.
Over the next few weeks I'm going to try and find myself a few of these dresses, the archetypal Mary Quant style. I've seen some patterns so maybe I will get my sewing machine out and attempt to make one( or speak to my mother in law who is a rather impressive seamstress and ask her very nicely).
Let me know what era is your favourite, or what you think if the film.
Laters xoxo

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