Thursday 8 May 2014

BaNisH tHosE Bad skin days aWaY!

My skin is not my friend at the moment, bad skin population = me.
I was in London yesterday (bridesmaid dress shopping! ) and travelling back on the train I could my chin breaking out -bleaugh.
For some reason im getting constant breakouts at the moment, dont know if its my diet, not enough water, too much gin but whatever it is my face is angry.
So I've decided to show you my 3 favourite deep cleansing masks, these 3 are ones ive returned time and again to rescue me.
Vichy Normadern & GlamGlow Supermud

Lush -Brazend Honey
So these are them, I will start with Brazend Honey, my fav from all the fresh face masks Lush, do this product is amazing, I guarantee once you try this and see the effect you will forever cherish this mask.
Vegetarian friendly and preservative free this skin saver is full of natural ingredients from the honey and eggs to sooth your skin and calm your redness, lime to brighten and revive a tired complexion, kaolin clay to cleanse nice and deep and lastly ground almonds to exfoliate and leave new dirt free skin.
I cant say much more than I ♥♥♥ this product, after using it your skin is super clean yet sooo soft, go try.
My second product is by those French lovelies at Vichy, its gentle on the skin as its soap and alcohol free.
The worst thing you can do to oily/spot ridden skin is strip it using an alcohol based product - Step away from the Clearasil, you are doing your skin no favours. It may feel squeaky clean straight after but your skin will then produce double the amount of sebum because it feels it needs to rescue itself.

 Vichy Normadern is a  3 in one product- mask and cleanser/ scrub so if feeling impatient you can just wash and go but I likes the mask. This is a clay based mask and like Brased Honey contains oil absorbing, deep cleansing kaolin . It soothes and unclogs the pores to leave my skin feeling fresh and ultra clean.
My final product is the holy grail of masks-
Glam Glow Supermud, this is the A lister favourites ( so I've read). This product is the second release  from the Glam Glow family and kicks spots and breakouts in the butt. This is another mud mask full of kaolin clay and AHAs ( alpha hydroxy acids) these are the best way to banish the dead skin cells away.  It brightens and clears my skin after one use, one of favourite things about it is as it dries you can see it getting down and dirty into each pore ( bit gross bit so satisfying that you know it's clearing your skin up) .

Glam Glow doin'  its thing

You can use Glam Glow as a full mask or target those nasty spots, as much as I love this product the only downside is the price at £44 for 34 g it aint cheap but I've had mine for just over 6 months and I'm 3/4 of the way through the pot which I don't think is too bad.
All of these mask are applied to dry, cleansed skin and left for 10- 20 mins, I dont see the point of leaving any longer as the work is those first 10mins.

Let me know your favourite mask or tips for clearing troubled skin. :-)

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