Friday 4 April 2014

On the hunt For the pErfect eYe crEam

Im on a constant hunt to find the perfect eyecream (have been for the last 6 yrs) .
The cream that will diminish my ongoing dark circles, de-puff the bags and basically me look like I've slept more than 4hours ( I get at least 8 most nights, no fair)
At the moment im using Clinque Repair wear laser focus-wrinkle correcting eye cream and Superdrug B Flawless target wrinkle filler on rotation, I dont know if they are doing that much but I feel that I'm not  too wrinkly :-)
I had read about the new cream ive just starting  using on afew beauty blogs and as it is on offer in Boots at the moment I bought it .
Super Facialist by Una Brennan. Vitamin C, dark circles eye cream.
It claims to Hydrate, brightwn and revive the under eye area these things all sound fantastic. The skin under our eyes is very thin compared to the rest of our faces so needs special attention, ive noticed as I've aged the circles and puffiness under my eyes is gettig worse and dont really want to keep piling on loads of concealer if I dont have to.
Ive only been using this cream since Tuesday and it says it takes 3 weeks to notice a difference so we shall see. I will report in 3 weeks, with before and after photos :-) 
Have a great weekend everyone.

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