Sunday 6 April 2014

troUbleSome ScaLp

Dealing with a troublesome scalp is really upsetting, ive had eczema for a few months. It is itchy, dry and flaky and overall very annoying. I first started having problems last spring and tried every medicated shampoo under the sun from the two well known brands above T Gel and E45 to Lush Soak amd Float and Hair Doctor hair mask and nothing worked. I ended up seeing my doctor and getting a prescription bright liquid which worked but made my hair so dry and blah.
It returned just after xmas and ive been trying other solutions bicarbonate of soda to apple cyder vinegar which sounds crazy but is supposed to kill the fungal infection i.e eczema im not keen on the smell though.

Ive been thinking it could be something in my diet that is affecting my skin so am going to try cutting out dairy for a few weeks to see if it makes a difference.
 While also trying this I just bought a ginger shampoo from the Body Shop and am hoping it clears up the dryness.  Ive only used it twice so we shall see.
I will keep you updated on my progress.

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