Wednesday 23 April 2014

WardRobE CleAr Out !!

Today was the day..the day I dread...wardrobe declutter :0
Every 6 months or so I have to sort out my clothes, my wardrobe gets progressively messy every month. For me buying new things and not bothering to hang clothes up and the wardrobe reaches the point that enough is enough, I have to tidy
Over the years of being with the boy my hoarding tendencies (we all have them in some way or shape its normal) have slowly been driven out of me, if left to my own devices you probably wouldn't see the bedroom floor for clothes.
 Piles would consist of things I regularly wear or those items that "I'm sure I will wear that day ".
The beginning
To be honest this clear out didn't end up being as epic as last years, my shopping has been more skincare/makeup based in the last year(let's not even look at my dressing table).
I've managed to throw away quite a few old tops and shoes, I have pile ready for PACT charity shop and the eBay pile is awaiting photographing.
I will post a link to my eBay stuffs when ready, there are some TopShop and H &M treatles.
It took just over 2 hours but now my wardrobe is neat,tidy and kinda clutter free. There is also a box under the bed which is now full of more winter jumpers, hope im not being to hopeful with the weather :\
I feel that in our next house I need more room for my clothes..a walk in wardrobe is the dream but I feel it may stay a dream..oh to wish.
After, that rail is a little bendy
The piles of L to R - bin,charity,sell.

Actually folded :)

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